What does
Erasmus+ mean?
Insedo Ltd., is a complex educational provider from the city of Queens, Veszprém, in Hungary, the City of European Culture in 2023.
INSEDO Ltd. is a specialist in education, foreign language and digital skills training. We operate in the fields of school education, vocational education and adult education in Hungary, and we have been successfully involved in Erasmus+ projects in strategic partnerships.
Our team consists of high school and vocational school teachers, interpreters, project management and state-accredited education and vocational education experts.
With getting a taste about fully virtual education gaps and further skills training for our colleagues around Europe have become evident. To reflect on this problem in the European Education Area, in 2023, we offer two teachers’ training programmes in the framework of Erasmus+ (KA1) with heavy focus on digital skills and digital assessment.

Our mission is education
INSEDO Ltd was founded in 2009 by professionals and teachers who have been involved in education for 30 years to meet the needs of a wide range of clients, from secondary school students to those working in professional corporate environments.
We have discovered the strong link between our mission and values and the Erasmus+ programme
Enabling individual learning journeys.
Providing institutional cooperation and partnership.
Opening opportunities for Hungarian students and institutions to experience European and international dynamics.
Enabling European students and professionals to get to know Hungary, our cultural heritage and our unique language.
Our strength is our passion
for teaching and learning!
- We work with over 100 subcontractors.
- As a state-accredited educational institution with its own digital school management system, our subcontracted teachers, translators and interpreters work from all over the world.
- Our staff translates from and into over 20 languages.
- Serving the complex educational and translation demands of today’s modern business community hosting major innovations, such as task based assesses teachers’ digital competences (TDK), INSEDO Ltd.